203-VI |
30.11.2019 |
Law of Turkmenistan of November 30, 2019 No. 203-VI "About acts of civil status" (as amended on 13.07.2024) |
896 |
29.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 896 "About approval of Rules of turnover of arms and military equipment" (as amended on 17.07.2024) |
41/108/65 |
29.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of November 29, 2019 No. 41/108/65 "About procedure for establishment of degree of danger of production wastes and class of danger of dangerous wastes of production" |
229 |
29.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 229 "About approval of Rules about the minimum reserve requirements" (as amended on 27.11.2023) |
978 |
29.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 978 "About approval of Rules of delivery of health care in military-medical (medical) divisions of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 06.01.2021) |
143 |
29.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of November 29, 2019 No. 143 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for storage by the National Bank of Ukraine and banks of Ukraine of documents in the conditions of the special period" |
54 |
29.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of November 29, 2019 No. 54 "About establishment of forms of the departmental reporting for 2020" |
231 |
29.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 231 "About approval of Rules of implementation of cash transactions and transactions on collection of banknotes, coins and values in banks of the second level, branches of nonresident banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National operator of mail and legal entities whose exclusive activities is collection of banknotes, coins and values" (as amended on 19.12.2022) |
232 |
29.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 232 "About approval of the Procedure for the conclusion of the agreement on provision of the microcredit, including requirements to content, execution of the agreement and its first page containing information on all-in cost of the microcredit (the overpayment amount on the microcredit, microcredit subject), to compulsory provisions of the agreement on provision of the microcredit, and also form of the repayment schedule of the microcredit" (as amended on 29.03.2024) |
199-I |
29.11.2019 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2019 No. 199-I "About obligatory standard rates and allowances to capital adequacy ratios of banks with the universal license" (as amended on 20.04.2021) |
7 |
29.11.2019 |
Normative Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2019 No. 7 "About some questions of application by courts of the customs legislation" |
141 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of November 28, 2019 No. 141 "About approval of the Regulations on information support of clients of rather banking and other financial services by banks" (as amended on 14.03.2024) |
302 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of November 28, 2019 No. 302 "About approval of Regulations about the mode of required reserves" |
818 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 28, 2019 No. 818 "About procedure for the address with waste" (as amended on 21.06.2023) |
224 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 224 "About approval of the list, forms, terms of submission of the reporting on accomplishment of prudential standard rates and other regulations and limits, obligatory to observance, by the organization performing microfinancial activities and Rules of its representation" |
222 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 222 "About approval of the list, forms, terms of submission of the reporting by the organization performing microfinancial activities and Rules of its representation" (as amended on 22.05.2023) |
225 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 225 "About approval of the list, forms, terms and Rules of submission of the reporting by credit bureau" (as amended on 21.11.2022) |
1522 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Majlisi namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 28, 2019 No. 1522 "About adoption of law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About modification and amendments in the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About procedure and conditions of detention of suspects, persons accused and defendants" |
1520 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Majlisi namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 28, 2019 No. 1520 "About adoption of law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About modification and amendments in the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the state secrets" |
890 |
28.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 890 "About some questions of Financial Academy joint-stock company (as amended on 19.08.2022) |
1518 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Majlisi namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 28, 2019 No. 1518 "About adoption of law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About modification and amendments in the Customs code of the Republic of Tajikistan" |
217 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 217 "About approval of Rules of provision of the microcredits by electronic method" (as amended on 29.03.2024) |
219 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 219 "About approval of the list, forms, terms and Rules of submission of the reporting on accomplishment of prudential standard rates by the National operator of mail" (as amended on 25.12.2023) |
212 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 212 "About approval of Rules of provision by banks of information on direct and indirect participation in the authorized capital of legal entities in which banks are large participants" (ceased to be valid since 22.03.2021) |
223 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 223 "About approval of the list, forms, terms of submission of the reporting on accomplishment of prudential standard rates by the insurance (reinsurance) organization, insurance group and the Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organization and Rules of its representation" (as amended on 23.01.2023) |
218 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 218 "About approval of the List of the commissions and other payments connected with issue and servicing of the bank loan issued to physical person" (as amended on 21.02.2022) |
226 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 226 "About approval of Rules of the organization of activities of pawnshops, including questions of storage of things in pawnshop, establishments of safety requirements and technical reinforcement of rooms of pawnshops, measures for counteraction to turnover in pawnshops illegally the got things" (as amended on 21.02.2022) |
227 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 227 "About approval of Rules of passing of accounting registration of the organizations performing microfinancial activities including the list of the documents submitted for passing of accounting registration, and also maintaining and exception of the register of the organizations performing microfinancial activities" (ceased to be valid since 16.04.2020) |
215 |
28.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2019 No. 215 "About approval of Rules of calculation and extreme value of coefficient of debt load of the borrower of the organization performing microfinancial activities" (as amended on 12.06.2024) |
UP-5886 |
28.11.2019 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 28, 2019 No. UP-5886 "About Additional Measures for Enhancement of Mechanisms of Mortgage Lending" (as amended on 19.04.2024) |
812 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 27, 2019 No. 812 "About procedure for creation and functioning of the state information and analytical management system public procurements" (as amended on 23.05.2024) |
164 |
27.11.2019 |
Presidential decree of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 27, 2019 unitary enterprise No. 164 "About approval of descriptions of the special sign "JSC Shumkar", awards, medals, breastplates to honorary titles and the Certificate of honor of the Kyrgyz Republic" |
953 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 27, 2019 No. 953 "About the organization of activities of Republican council on science and technologies" (as amended on 26.06.2020) |
976 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 27, 2019 No. 976 "Some questions of the Single system of processing of addresses" (as amended on 24.06.2023) |
1074 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 27, 2019 No. 1074 "Some questions of creation of hospital districts" (ceased to be valid since 04.03.2023) |
887 |
27.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 27, 2019 No. 887 "About some questions of Center of Strategic Researches joint-stock company (as amended on 04.10.2023) |
1073 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 27, 2019 No. 1073 "Some questions of agreements of medical attendance of the population" |
1119 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 27, 2019 No. 1119 "Some questions of realization of the state financial guarantees of medical attendance of the population according to the program of medical guarantees for 2020" (as amended on 09.09.2020) |
1172 |
27.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 27, 2019 No. 1172 "Some questions of ensuring effective functioning of purchasing system of medicines, medical products, supportive applications and other goods of medical appointment" (as amended on 28.07.2021) |
201 |
26.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019 No. 201 "About the list of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - national (state) standards as a result of which application on voluntary basis observance of requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About requirements to mineral fertilizers" (is provided to TR EEU 039/2016), and the list of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - the national (state) standards containing rules and methods of researches (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About requirements to mineral fertilizers" (TR EEU 039/2016) and implementation of assessment of conformity of objects of technical regulation" |
202 |
26.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019 No. 202 "About approval of the Management on preclinical trials of safety for the purpose of conduct of clinical trials and registration of medicines" (as amended on 11.10.2022) |
1650 |
26.11.2019 |
Law of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 26, 2019 No. 1650 "About the Government budget of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2020" (as amended on 04.07.2020) |
429 |
26.11.2019 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 26, 2019 No. 429 "About international standards of auditor activities" |
UP-5883 |
26.11.2019 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 26, 2019 No. UP-5883 "About Measures for Enhancement of Water Resources Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Increase in Level of Security of the Population with Drinking Water and Improvement of Its Quality" (as amended on 17.01.2024) |
385 |
26.11.2019 |
Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 385 "About approval of Rules of equipment of production facilities metering devices of crude oil, gas condensate, sour gas and products of its conversion (commodity gas) and ensuring functioning of metering devices of crude oil, gas condensate, sour gas and products of its conversion (commodity gas)" (as amended on 21.12.2022) |
561 |
26.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 561 "About approval of Rules of passing of training at the private legal executive" (as amended on 26.08.2022) |
211 |
26.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 211 "About approval of the list, forms, terms of submission of the reporting by the licensees performing activities in the security market, the single operator and Rules of its representation" (as amended on 29.06.2023) |
206 |
26.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019 No. 206 "About the qualifier of positions of employees (regarding the positions relating to production and drug circulation)" |
877 |
26.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 877 "About some questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
879 |
26.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 879 "About some questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |
564 |
26.11.2019 |
Decision of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of communication and informatization of Ukraine of November 26, 2019 No. 564 "About Limiting approval of rates for public telecommunication services and recognition by NKRSI which voided decisions of September 18, 2018 No. 488" (ceased to be valid since 01.07.2021) |
209 |
26.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 209 "About limiting establishment of value of remuneration under the agreement on provision of the microcredit (ceased to be valid since 20.08.2024) |
210 |
26.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 210 "About approval of the List of the documents necessary for receipt of the microcredit, and also Rules of maintaining the credit folder under the agreement on provision of the microcredit" (as amended on 29.03.2024) |
208 |
26.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 26, 2019 No. 208 "About approval of Rules of calculation of annual effective rate of remuneration on the provided microcredits" (as amended on 20.02.2023) |
205 |
26.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019 No. 205 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur" (ceased to be valid since 19.08.2022) |
2019-P-07/58 |
25.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 25, 2019 No. 2019-P-07/58-2-(DKP) "About the size of discount rate of National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic" |
200 N |
25.11.2019 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2019 No. 200n "About establishment of case of prolongation of term of conducting customs examination" |
632 |
25.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 25, 2019 No. 632 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for statement on consular accounting and removals from consular accounting of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic by means of use of the automated information system "Consular Accounting" (ceased to be valid since 08.01.2024) |
583 |
25.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 25, 2019 No. 583 "About creation of public institution "Republican palace of culture of Dangara" |
738 N |
25.11.2019 |
Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2019 No. 738n "About establishment of size of subsistence minimum per capita and on the main social and demographic national groups in general across the Russian Federation for III quarter 2019" |
963 |
25.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 25, 2019 No. 963 "About approval of the Instruction for air traffic control" (as amended on 23.05.2024) |
MMB-7-1/586 |
25.11.2019 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2019 No. MMB-7-1/586 @ "About approval of Administrative regulations of the Federal Tax Service of provision of the state service in provision of information containing in the state information resource of accounting (financial) records" |
582 |
23.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 23, 2019 No. 582 "About the Interdepartmental commission on aviation safety in civil aviation" |
943 |
23.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 23, 2019 No. 943 "About measures for ensuring application online of cash registers and system of virtual cash desk" (as amended on 10.01.2024) |
1507 |
22.11.2019 |
Resolution of Majlisi namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 22, 2019 No. 1507 "About adoption of law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Government budget of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2020" and forecast indicators of the Government budget for 2021-2022" |
867 |
22.11.2019 |
Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 22, 2019 No. 867 "About approval of Rules of selection of the projects realized by participants of special economic zones to whom the international, regional standards and standards of foreign states can be applied" (ceased to be valid since 12.02.2024) |
876 |
22.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 22, 2019 No. 876 "About approval of Rules of conducting examination of scientific research within the state defense order" |
420 |
22.11.2019 |
Resolution of the National Agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 22, 2019 No. 420 "About approval of the Code of networks of natural gas" (as amended on 24.11.2020) |
421 |
22.11.2019 |
Resolution of the National Agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 22, 2019 No. 421 "About approval of the Regulations on access to the transferring networks of natural gas and management of overloads" |
422 |
22.11.2019 |
Resolution of the National agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 22, 2019 No. 422 "About approval of the Regulations on service quality on transfer and distribution of natural gas" (as amended on 15.08.2023) |
423 |
22.11.2019 |
Resolution of the National agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 22, 2019 No. 423 "About approval of the Code of power networks" (as amended on 21.12.2021) |
424 |
22.11.2019 |
Resolution of the National agency on regulation in power industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 22, 2019 No. 424 "About approval of the Regulations on access to networks of electricity transmission for cross-border exchange and management of overloads in electric utility system" |
22.11.2019 |
Agreement of November 22, 2019 "About features of implementation of transactions with precious metals and gemstones within the Eurasian Economic Union" |
934 |
21.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 21, 2019 "About approval of regulations on functional obligations of the adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the manager of Department on questions are sewn up with No. 934 the rights and support of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan performing temporary labor activity abroad and Department concerning protection of the rights and support of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan performing temporary labor activity abroad" (ceased to be valid since 04.04.2020) |
PP-4526 |
21.11.2019 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 21, 2019 No. PP-4526 "About measures for support of research activities of Institute of nuclear physics" (as amended on 09.11.2021) |
195 N |
21.11.2019 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2019 No. 195n "About approval of the federal standard of internal financial audit "The rights and obligations of officials (workers) when implementing internal financial audit" (as amended on 01.09.2021) |
196 N |
21.11.2019 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2019 No. 196n "About approval of the federal standard of internal financial audit "Determinations, the principles and tasks of internal financial audit" (as amended on 01.09.2022) |
5323-U |
21.11.2019 |
Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2019 No. 5323-U "About form of the notification on participation (the participation termination) in foreign payment system, procedure for its creation, procedure and term of its direction by operators on money transfer in the Bank of Russia" (as amended on 26.09.2022) |
192 N |
21.11.2019 |
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2019 No. 192n "About approval of standard form of the agreement of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with credit institution on investment of reserve of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on mandatory pension insurance into currency deposits of the Russian Federation and procedure for its conclusion" (ceased to be valid since 11.11.2023) |
924 |
21.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 21, 2019 No. 924 "About approval of the Regulations on Fonda of development and support of activities of Committee of highways for the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Regulations on payment procedure of work and material stimulation of employees of Committee of highways for the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its subordinated organizations" (as amended on 28.12.2019) |
778 |
20.11.2019 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 20, 2019 No. 778 "About approval of specific requirements" |
781 |
20.11.2019 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 20, 2019 No. 781 "About approval of specific requirements" |
779 |
20.11.2019 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 20, 2019 No. 779 "About approval of specific requirements" |
39 |
20.11.2019 |
Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus of November 20, 2019 No. 39 "About the address with waste" |
525-O |
20.11.2019 |
Order of Customs Service the Republic of Moldova of November 20, 2019 No. 525-O "About approval of the Instruction about order of registration and withdrawal of registration of exporters in/from system of the registered exporters" (ceased to be valid since 01.01.2024) |
KR DSM-144 |
20.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 20, 2019 No. KR DSM-144 "About approval of the Standard of the organization of delivery of health care in case of infectious diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (ceased to be valid since 08.04.2023) |
862 |
20.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 20, 2019 No. 862 "About approval of Rules of carrying out testing of results of developmental and technological works" (as amended on 28.12.2023) |
314/TAX CODE |
20.11.2019 |
Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 20, 2019 No. 314/Tax Code "About Price Approval on the Services Realized by the Subject of the State Monopoly in the field of Communication" (ceased to be valid since 04.08.2024) |
PP-4525 |
20.11.2019 |
Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 20, 2019 No. PP-4525 "About measures for further improvement of business environment and enhancement of system of support of entrepreneurship in the country" (as amended on 06.07.2023) |
20-1 |
20.11.2019 |
Resolution of board of the Pension fund of Ukraine of November 20, 2019 No. 20-1 "About approval of forms of statements which are drawn up in time or by results of holding planned (unplanned) action of the state supervision (control) for observance by the subject of managing of requirements of the legislation in the sphere of obligatory national pension insurance, and other organizational and administrative documents" (as amended on 25.04.2024) |
195 |
19.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 19, 2019 No. 195 "About approval of the specification on performance of works on project implementation "The unified system of search "Work without borders" |
199 |
19.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 19, 2019 No. 199 "About the certificate of ensuring discharge of duty on payment of customs duties, taxes" (as amended on 24.11.2020) |
200 |
19.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 19, 2019 No. 200 "About the list of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - national (state) standards as a result of which application on voluntary basis observance of requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About requirements to fire safety and fire extinguishing devices" (is provided to TR EEU 043/2017), and the list of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - the national (state) standards containing rules and methods of researches (testing) and measurements, including rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "About requirements to fire safety and fire extinguishing devices" (TR EEU 043/2017) and implementation of assessment of conformity of objects of technical regulation" (as amended on 29.11.2021) |
196 |
19.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 19, 2019 No. 196 "About classification of paper bags according to the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union" |
198 |
19.11.2019 |
Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 19, 2019 No. 198 "About the list of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - national (state) standards as a result of which application on voluntary basis observance of requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat products" (is provided to TR CU 034/2013), and the list of the international and regional (interstate) standards, and in case of their absence - the national (state) standards containing rules and methods of researches (testing) and measurements, including the rules of sampling necessary for application and execution of requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of meat and meat products" (TR CU 034/2013) and implementation of assessment of conformity of objects of technical regulation" |
202 |
19.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 19, 2019 No. 202 "About the Procedure for carrying out by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan for transactions with cash foreign currency" |
201 |
19.11.2019 |
Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 19, 2019 No. 201 "About approval of the Procedure by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of dealer activities" |
418 |
19.11.2019 |
Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 19, 2019 No. 418 "About databank of enforcement proceedings" |
55 |
19.11.2019 |
Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 19, 2019 No. 55 "About determination of structure and format of the notification on placement of goods in the customs control zone in the form of the electronic document" (as amended on 12.01.2024) |
556 |
19.11.2019 |
Order of the Government Republic of Moldova of November 19, 2019 No. 556 "About approval of the Regulations on acquisition, confirmation and development of professional qualification in the field of internal audit in public sector" |